Monday, August 27, 2012


A few weeks ago we had an accident with the BfM truck.  I was driving but at the time of the accident I was stopped for a red light.  Another vehicle pulled up beside me to turn right but was waiting for a lady with a bike to cross the street in front of us.  She started to walk her bike across the street when we heard a big bang.  I looked up and saw two cars had collided in the intersection (one had gone through the red light) and were now heading toward us.  One car hit the front of our truck while the other hit the vehicle beside us.  The lady on the bike was missed by both cars.  One went in front of her and hit us while the other went behind her and hit the vehicle that was turning right.
What was strange about the accident was the reaction of many people even Christians.  Instead of saying that the lady should thank God for protection they instead equated it to luck and that she should go and buy a lottery ticket while her luck was so good.  People put more faith in luck than they do in the Sovereignty of God. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its because they don't understand the gospel. I think a wise person told me that. That's why most people in the church do and say the things they do!