Monday, July 2, 2012

Letters to a Future Church

A friend lent me a book written by a number of people who wrote letters to a future church.  Some of the letters I liked but some I didn't.  However, the book generally left me frustrated.  It took me awhile to understand why I was frustrated with the book. 
The book generally misses the mark when it comes to the mandate of the church.  Most of the book dealt with what is the mandate for Christians not the church.  Some may say what is the difference, don't Christians make up the church?  Yes they do but there are two different mandates.  The Christian is to fulfill the great commandment.  To love God and to love their neighbour.  This means that Christians should be involved in the community working along side non-Christians when necessary to feed the hungry, to clothe  the poor, to work for justice, to be involved in politics.  That is the responsibility of the Christain.  However, the church is to make disciples by going, baptising and teaching.  The church is to proclaim the Gospel and equip the believers to do the work of ministry.  When the church confuses the Great Commission with the Great Commandment then the Gospel is not proclaimed and the believers fail to fulfill their calling. 
Do I recommend the book?  Yes I do but with the reminder that it is letters to future Christians within the church not to be confused with letters to the church as we read in Revelation.


Anonymous said...

I think I know what you mean Joe, but could you elaborate your thinking a little further in relation to who (or what?) you mean by 'the church', as different from believers. Are not both the Great Commandment and the Great Commission binding for all Christians?
Just pondering...!

Anonymous said...

I read exerts from the book on line and I was confused about a lot of things. To avoid more confusion I decided not to buy the book and stick to reading the Bible. Does that sound too simplistic?

GDAC Bible Studies said...

When I referred to the church I was thinking of the church gathered for preaching, teaching, communion, etc but when I referred to the believers I was thinking of the church scattered. As Christians we are to go into the world and be salt and light proclaiming the Gospel through our lives while the church gathered is to proclaim the Gospel by making disciples.