Monday, March 12, 2012

The More things Change...

The more things change the more they stay the same. Take money and sex for an example. In the Greek culture of Paul's day the people of Corinth regarded money as sacred but sex was easy come, easy go. However, along came the church which turned things upside down. The Christians believed that sex was sacred and money was easy come, easy go. Are things any different today? To the general population sex is casual but money is to be protected. The church must remember that as it was in Paul's day so it is in our day. We must keep sex sacred while money is casual.
The question of the sacredness of sex is a topic that needs to be pursued and I will do that in a later blog but there is one more thing that seems to be the same as it was 2000 years ago.
Take cohabitation. Society says what difference does a piece of paper make anyways, if we love each other isn't that enough? Society looks at sex without commitment. What is the problem? Again it is a topic for another blog but let me say that it comes again from a wrong view of sex. I think we need to talk about what sex is all about. Tomorrow?

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