Saturday, February 18, 2012

Money, Possesions, and Eternity.

The last post I ranted (I think that maybe what I should call it rather than venting) about Andy Stanley's illustration. Today I was reading in the other book that the teacher is using, Randy Alcorn's Money, Possessions and Eternity. Here is what he said:
'Teaching the "seed faith" and "hundredfold return" principles, one pastor triumphantly told of a woman in his church whose still-new car was about to be repossessed. As an act of faith, claiming God's "promise' of a hundredfold return, she put $20 in the offering. Sure enough, the next day she received $2,000 in the mail and was able to catch up on her payments, keep her car, and gain some extra spending money.
'That's a nice testimoney, but it raises some questions. Did it occur to the woman (or the pastor) that perhaps she should not have gone into debt in the first plasce, that her beautiful car might be a luxury God didn't approve of, or that God might want her to give up her car and invest the $2,000 in his kingdom (and not expect a check in the mail for $200,000 to compensate for her doing so)? It apparently didn't occur to them that may unrighteous people also received checks in the mail that day, while many righteous people didn't'

Thanks Randy Alcorn. That is what I was trying to say.

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