Tuesday, September 13, 2011


The NIV translates the word propitiation as atoning sacrifice and really that is what is meant but I am not sure that most people understand this any better.
You have probably heard the cliche that God hates the sin but loves the sinner but if you have read the Psalms you will have read that God hates the sinner. We don't like that today as we don't really understand God. God tells us in Scripture that we are under judgment because of our sin but He has supplied an atoning sacrifice.
The word propitiation means that the gods have been appeased. But we do nothing to appease God. We do not propitiate God by offering Him a sacrifice. That is a pagan thought yet our God had to be appeased. It was not because our God has a bad temper but that we are or were enemies of God. We don't offer a sacrifice but God propitiated Himself. He is the atoning sacrifice. Christ died the death we should have died so that we can live the life we shouldn't live.


Anonymous said...

Good post (again!)Joe. What would you say is the impact of the knowledge and acceptance of this truth for the Christian. In other words ... what impact should it have as to how we see, approach, or know God? And how does the knowledge and acceptance of this truth about propitiation translate into how the Christian should live? Just a few immediate reflections... from a 'ponderer'!
Pastor Gord

GDAC Bible Studies said...

Hi Gord,
Thanks for your comments. I have to process this some more but my next post will relate to this theme by looking at 1 John 1:9
Yes, I am a pondereer as well and I need time to ponder.