Sunday, August 8, 2010

What Are You Looking For?

“I have sought your face with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise.” (Psalm 119:58)

What is the desire of your heart? If we desire something then we will work toward obtaining the object of our desire. We will plan and scheme, we will dream and work until that object is ours.

Jesus said that if we would seek then we would find. We cannot find the desires of our heart if we are just drifters and not seekers. There are some people who are drifters and they take whatever comes along.

However, that is how some people approach their relationship with God. They take the attitude of a drifter and not that of a seeker. A drifter never will be satisfied because he has no idea what he is looking for. He may claim that he desires a closer walk with God but he does nothing to obtain it. A drifter never fulfills his desires because he has not taken time to determine what those desires are.

What is it that we are to seek? Some search for fame, some for money, and some for happiness. In Proverbs we are told to seek wisdom as one would seek silver or a hidden treasure. A hidden treasure will not be found without seeking it out. Wisdom in Proverbs is personified in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is Him that we are to seek. It is Him that we are to desire.

Jesus gives us a promise in Matthew that will find what we seek. God is gracious and if we desire Him He will keep His promise to us.

What are you looking for?

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