Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Reaching the lost or losing the reached.

Today the church seems to be losing the reached more than reaching the lost.  The truth is that there are those who have grown up in an evangelical home have wondered away from the faith.  Paul was concerned that the Gospel message remained clear and strong so he encouraged Timothy to continue in the Gospel.  The temptation is always to tone down the rhetoric and show Christ's love by our lives.  Though this is important we must always remember that there is good news because there is bad news.  We are not being judgmental when we talk about the judgment of God upon sinners.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


The 1960's were a troubled decade.  There was wars, protests, hippies, Jesus movement, man on the moon, and so much more.  I can of age in the 1960's.  I turned 16, graduated from high school, went to university, graduated university and began my teaching career.
In 1967 I was in university and a retired school teacher paid my way to go to the Urbana missionary conference in Urbana, Illinois.  For four days we listened to speakers who talked to us about missions.  I remember some of them but most I have forgotten.  One speaker I do remember was John Stott.  Every morning we would gather, all 12000 of us, in the auditorium and listen as Dr. Stott taught us from 2 Timothy.  We were taught to guard the Gospel.  I have never forgotten that teaching and finally this year I decided to go back and read those lectures again and pass it on to my class.